Bernardo Montoya

Salon Comunal was conceived in 2013 in Bogota by Colombian artist Bernardo Montoya. He imagined a gallery that could exist in a family house of a traditional neighborhood , adapting its spaces for contemporary art projects . The idea started pointing out the lack of galleries dedicated to contemporary art in Colombia as well as the lack of institutional support for the up-and-coming generation of young Colombian artists. It has been evident that a support structure was needed that would allow emerging artists to establish their careers. There have been more than 90 exhibitions, among which the participation of Eduardo Ramírez Villamizar, Antonio Caro, Mario Opazo, Juan Mejía, Lucas Ospina, Gabriel Silva, Rosario López, Beatriz Eugenia Díaz The gallery represents , Marcela Rodríguez, Nicolás Bonilla, Mateo Cohen and Bernardo Montoya.